Friday, November 23, 2007

Don't tell.

What can you do when you know that every secret you have kept has done know nothing to help you in your life? Sometimes, the biggest secret we have is so confusing and complicated, it takes everything in us to let ourselves believe that's it's actually real. I was reading people's secrets on and some of them are so terribly sad and I wonder how people can be living with these things inside and then I remember that we all are. We each have the one secret, or those two, or more. And, they are painfull, and sad but we keep them inside because we are afraid. Not of what people will think of us but because if we keep inside we are the only ones who have to believe it and bear the pain that comes with it. If we keep it inside it doesn't seem as real and it's easier to deal with. But really, what's the point? No one ever makes it out of life alive.

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