Thursday, January 24, 2008

I know quite a bit.

I always wished to have freckles, straight hair, long nails, tanned skin, a nice smile, greener eyes, and to be everything I am not. People always told me to be happy with myself. There is no universal rule like that. To be yourself and people will like that. It's a load of bull. People always want a good, pleasant lie. The real me destroys, hates, and is not good in any way. The real me believes in mysteries and doesn't believe in the lies of religion, parenting, government, schooling, and friendship. Especially love. Why? Because the real me isn't loved. What do you do then? When being yourself gets you hate and pain? Being myself was always important, but now that I think, I'd rather be happy as a lie than unloved as me. We aren't all meant to be happy in life. Some of us weren't meant to be born. We are the ones who ask "What did I do wrong?" only because we aren't good enough. Some people, like me, will never get a chance to be happy.


P.S. I'm sorry I said no. I wanted to protect you because I cared about you. I will regret it my whole life.

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